Condensed Matter Seminar

Magneto-optical probes shed light on the unconventional transport and magnetism of Eu – based semi-metals


Understanding the mechanisms and consequences of the coupling between disparate degrees of freedom is at the forefront of quantum materials research. A prominent example is coupling between magnetic and electronic degrees of freedom, offering the exciting opportunity to control the near Fermi level electronic structure and topology by manipulating magnetic order. However, the same coupling may promote a complex magnetic state, which is challenging to identify experimentally.

Imaging and Probing Atomically Thin Quantum Material Devices at the Nanoscale

Abstract: The harnessing and manipulation of electronic states in quantum materials has the potential to revolutionize computation, sensing, storage, and communications, thus impacting multiple facets of our everyday lives. In this talk I will discuss my group’s recent experiments with graphene, a highly versatile carbon-based quantum material that hosts ultra-relativistic charges. This unique attribute can be leveraged for future quantum technologies.

Spectroscopic and transport signatures of one-dimensional spinon liquid


Quasiparticles of the Heisenberg spin-1/2 chain — spinons — represent the best experimentally accessible example of fractionalized excitations known to date. Dynamic spin response of the spin chain is typically dominated by the broad multi-spinon continuum that often masks subtle features, such as continuum edge singularities, induced by the interaction between spinons. This, however, is not the case in the small momentum region of the magnetized spin chain where strong interaction between spinons leads to qualitative changes to the response.


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