Memories - A Scientific Journey from Wakefields to Astrophysics and Fusion

MOU exchange between UCI and Ecole Polytechnique 
Provost Enrique Lavernia and President Jacques Biot (signed by Chancellor Howard Gillman and Jacques Biot)
Nobel Laureate Professor Gerard Mourou and his wife Marcelle [front left], his Assistant Cathy Sarrazin [back left], 
Dr. Jonathan Wheeler, Research Associate at IZEST (Institute for Zetta- Exa-watt Science and Technology with Gerard as Director) Ecole Polytechnique [back right],
Toshiki Tajima, Fumiki Tajima, January, 2018.


Nobel Laureate Professor Gerard Mourou and his wife Marcelle at the Sy\mposium Banquet.


















Professor Arno Penzias 
Nobel Laureate for cosmic microwave background radiation [April 11, 2018]