Looking for a possible breakdown of the Standard Model description at Low Energies

Carlos E.M. Wagner
Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
11:00 am
NS2 1201
The Standard Model is one of the greatest scientific achievements of humankind. It is a quantum field theory, which describes the electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear forces. It is based on the principles of gauge and Lorentz invariance and renormalizability. All experimental observations agree with the  SM predictions to a high  degree of precision. Even ignoring those systems strongly affected by gravity interactions, which are not included in the SM, there a few outlier that deserve more investigation. In this talk I will concentrate on the anomalous magnetic moments of the electron and the muon, as well as on a recent excess observed in the decay of  neutral Kaons into neutral pions and missing energy (neutrinos). These deviations from the SM description, that will be tested in the near future, can be explained  extending the Higgs sector of  the Standard Model to incorporate new light (pseudo)scalars particles, that may be behind other observed anomalies at low energies.  
Tim Tait