PhD Thesis Defense
Defense Title: Density-Matrix Renormalization Group and Model Reduction Studies of Two-dimensional Doped and Frustrated Systems
PhD Thesis Defense
Defense Title: Density-Matrix Renormalization Group and Model Reduction Studies of Two-dimensional Doped and Frustrated Systems
Defense Title: Signatures of Wakefield Acceleration in Astrophysical Jets via Gamma-Rays and UHECRs
Defense Title: Leveraging Large, Disparate Datasets to Precisely Measure the Masses of Nearby Exoplanets
Defense Title: Jet Substructure in the Era of Machine Learning
Defense Title: Measuring the θ13 Neutrino Mixing Angle at Daya Bay via Neutron Capture on Hydrogen
Defense Title: Giant anisotropic magnetoresistance in a collinear antiferromagnet
Defense Title: Fast Ion Transport and Losses in the DIII-D Tokamak
Defense Title: Learning to Isolate Muons and Address Broken Symmetries with Encouraged Invariance
Defense Title: Gravothermal Evolution of Generic Self-Interacting Dark Matter Models
Defense Title: Search for μ^+→e^+γ in the MEG II Experiment's First Physics Dataset