PhD Thesis Defense
Defense Title: Phonon Imaging of Nanostructure Interfaces by Electron Microscopy
PhD Thesis Defense
Defense Title: Phonon Imaging of Nanostructure Interfaces by Electron Microscopy
Defense Title: Black Holes and Revelations: Dynamical Mass Measurements of Supermassive Black Holes in Early-Type Galaxies with ALMA and HST
Defense Title: Developing Density Functional Theory with Physical Prior Knowledge
Defense Title: Monte Carlo Simulations of Noise in Superconducting and Semiconducting Qubits
Defense Title: Magneto-Optical Studies of Novel Condensed Matter Phases with Sagnac Interferometry
Defense Title: When Galaxies Go Quiet: Elucidating the Drivers of Environmental Quenching Across Cosmic Time
Defense Title: Modeling the Field Population of Cold Dark Matter Halos for Lensing Studies
Defense Title: New Dimensions in Time-Series Analysis for Exoplanet Detection
Defense Title: Single Molecule Coherence With Femtosecond THz-STM
Defense Title: Non-Reciprocal Wave Propagation in Magnetic Systems