Professor Wilson Ho Receives 2011 American Vacuum Society Medard W. Welch Award

Monday, August 1, 2011


To recognize and encourage outstanding research in the fields of interest to AVS.

The nominee must have accomplished outstanding theoretical and/or experimental research within the ten years preceding the year in which the award is made. Special consideration will be given to nominees currently engaged in an active career of research. The award will be granted without further restriction except that current members of the Board of Directors and the  Awards Committee are not eligible.

Nature of the Award
The award consists of a cash award, a struck gold medal and a certificate setting forth the reasons for the award, and an honorary lectureship at a regular session of the International Symposium. This award will be conferred at intervals of not less than one year. Travel expenses of the awardee to the meeting at which the award is presented shall be reimbursed.

Establishment and Support
The Award was established in 1969 to commemorate the pioneering efforts of M.W. Welch in founding and supporting  AVS. The Welch Foundation provided the initial endowment.



Professor Wilson Ho receives the 2011 Medard W. Welch Award "For the development and application of atomic scale inelastic electron tunneling with the scanning tunneling microscope."

Original Story: 

<a href="" title="[field_story_url-title]">AVS Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces and Processing</a>