Floating phase versus chiral transition in constraint models: from hard-boson chain to quantum dimer and quantum loop ladders

Natalia Chepiga
UCI Department of Physics and Astronomy
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
4:00 pm
NS2 1201
We investigate the nature of the phase transition between the period-three charge-density wave and the disordered phase of a hard-boson model proposed in the context of cold-atom experiments. We show that the model can be mapped rigorously onto the quantum dimer and quantum loop models. Building on the constraints imposed on the quantum dimers, we develop a Density Matrix Renormalization Group algorithm that takes full advantage of the relatively small Hilbert space that only grows as Fibonacci number. This allows us to study systems with up to 9'000 sites and calculate the correlation length and the wave-vector of the incommensurate short-range correlations with unprecedented accuracy. We provide strong numerical evidence that there is an intermediate floating phase far enough from the integrable Potts point, while in its vicinity, our numerical data are consistent with a unique transition in the Huse-Fisher chiral universality class. Besides, using conformal field theory, we fully characterize the Ising transition and the tricritical Ising end point, with a complete analysis of the boundary-field correspondence for the tricritical Ising point including partially polarized edges. Finally, we show that the Fibonacci anyon chain is exactly equivalent to special critical points of these models.
Steve White