Galaxy Evolution

Project Tags: 
Time Critical: 
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Research Project Description: 

My research group studies the global evolution of galaxies over cosmic time, with a particular emphasis on the role of environment in shaping galaxy properties. For more, see past and ongoing project here.

Undergraduate Student Participation: 


Time Commitment: 

Typical time commitment is 5-10 hours per week.

Minimum GPA: 
Contact Info: 

Mike Cooper
FRH 2123


How many hours per week will you be able to work on the project? Will you be available to work outside of the academic year (particularly during the Summer)?
List any lab and computer programming courses you have completed (with grades received) and for which you are currently enrolled.
Briefly describe any previous research experience (less than 300 words). If you have previously received course credit for student research, list those courses here (with grades received) and the name(s) of your supervisor(s).
Give a brief statement (less than 300 words) summarizing what qualities you will bring to the research program and explaining what you hope to achieve through your participation. (Is there something essential that you want to get out of the project? Paid position? Senior thesis? Co-author a journal publication?)
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf.