De Sitter Diagrammar and the Resummation of Time

Matthew Baumgart
Arizona State University
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
11:00 am
NS2 1201
Light scalars in inflationary spacetimes suffer from infrared logarithmic divergences at every order in perturbation theory.  This corresponds to the scalar field values in different Hubble patches undergoing a random walk of quantum fluctuations, leading to a simple toy ``landscape'' on superhorizon scales, in which we can explore questions relevant to eternal inflation.  However, for a sufficiently long period of inflation, the infrared divergences appear to spoil computability.   Some form of renormalization group approach is thus motivated to resum the log divergences of conformal time.  Such a resummation may provide insight into De Sitter holography.  We present here a novel diagrammatic analysis of these infrared divergences and their resummation.  Basic graph theory observations and momentum power counting for the in-in propagators allow a simple and insightful determination of the leading-log infrared divergences.  One thus sees diagrammatically how the superhorizon sector consists of a semiclassical theory with quantum noise evolved by a first-order, interacting classical equation of motion.  This rigorously leads to the ``Stochastic Inflation'' ansatz developed by Starobinsky to cure the scalar infrared pathology nonperturbatively.  Our approach is a controlled approximation of the underlying quantum field theory and is systematically improvable.
Julian Heeck