Norman Rostoker Distinguished Lecturer Series: Extreme Light: Bridging Optics and Fundamental High Energy Physics The first steps towards Zeptosecond and Zettawatt Science"

Gerard Mourou
Ecole Polytechnique
Monday, April 13, 2015
3:30 pm
RH 142
Norman Rostoker Distinguished Lecture
*Please note the Colloquium location change
(A reception will be held in 4135 FRH after the Lecture)

The possibility to amplify laser to extreme peak power offers a new paradigm unifying the atomic and subatomic worlds, to include Nuclear physics, High Energy Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology.  After the description of a technique to generate zeptosecond pulses, of exawatt to zettawatt power in the x-ray and g-ray regimes, we will enunciate the applications. They will include giant particle acceleration to the level of TeV/cm providing a means for to go Beyond the High Energy Standard Model and contribute to apprehend Cosmic Acceleration and revealing Dark Matter.

Gérard Mourou is Professor Haut Collège and Director of the new center IZEST (International center for Zettawatt-Exawatt Science and Technology) at the Ecole Polytechnique.
With the invention of the amplifying laser technique known as  “Chirped Pulse Amplification” (CPA), G. Mourou is recognized worldwide as the father of the Extreme Light Field, bridging Optics with High Energy Fundamental Physics.
Upon his return to France he initiated the creation of the European “Extreme Light Infrastructure” (ELI). With funding of 1B€, ELI is built as 3 pillars in three countries, i.e. Czech Republic, Romania, and Hungary. ELI is the largest civilian laser system. In France G. Mourou initiated the Apollon Program on the Plateau of Saclay. 
Societal applications are also paramount for him. As an example, with his colleagues at the University of Michigan, based on CPA they initiated the field of femtosecond corneal refractive surgery, treating today, one million patients a year.
Toshiki Tajima